
Chicken Shashlik Recipe

 Chicken Shashlik

Chicken Shashlik Formula in English is a simple and customary cooking formula to plan at home. It gives you a wonderful taste of Chicken Plans.

How to make Chiken Shashlik 

Chicken Shashlik Recipe at home
Restaurant style Chicken Shashlik Recipe
Chicken Recipes
Restaurant style Chicken Shashlik Recipe at home



  • Chicken boneless  .......... 1 kg
  • Corn flour ...... 2 spoon  
  • Ketchup ............ 1 cup
  • Yogurt ........... 1 cup
  •  Eggs ...... 2
  • Shimla mirch .......... 2  large 
  •  Black Pepper .......... ½ spoon
  • Red chilli Powder .......... 1 spoon
  • Salt ............. according to Taste 
  • Chinese Salt .......... according to Taste


First take chicken bone-less piece and wash it then, at that point pick a bowl keep the chicken in the bowl and afterward (2) eggs beat in the chicken piece add (1) spoon dark paper and add (02) spoon corn flour in the marinate chicken and afterward sit tight for 10 minutes after that take an aggravation and put in the oil when oil going to hot profound fry the chicken piece and when it will be light brown or a brilliant earthy coloured turn the piece be cautious with regards to chicken, it ought not be hard so when oil will be hot fire keep slow 

 Shashlik Sauce Method: 

Cut the Shimla mirch fit as a fiddle and take an aggravation and shallow fry the Shimla mirch in oil it will be brilliant earthy coloured then, at that point include one bowl of ketchup then following 2 minutes include a bowl of yogurt blend the combination and include Chinese salt for a taste, (1) spoon red bean stew powder, salt, (1) spoon dark paper blend a (2) spoon corn flour in some water then, at that point include the sauce keep fire slow when the sauce will be thick add the fry chicken piece.

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