
Chicken Boneless Tikka Recipe


Chicken boneless Tikka recipe in English is respected among the well known dishes. Peruse the total Chicken boneless Tikka recipe in English with fixing subtleties and strategy. It is a direct equation and all essential trimmings are adequately open. Set up the dish according to the Chicken boneless Tikka recipe in English from top cooks and add the genuine character or taste to your food. You can similarly give this recipe to your friends and family.

Chicken Boneless Tikka Recipe at home
Chicken Boneless Tikka Recipe
Chicken Recipes
Chicken boneless tikka at home 
Chicken boneless tikka recipe in English

How to Make Chicken boneless tikka


Chicken boneless one kg

Salt to taste

A teaspoon of dried fenugreek

A teaspoon of crushed garlic

A teaspoon of crushed ginger

A teaspoon of crushed coriander

A tablespoon of vinegar

Roasted Basin Two tablespoons

Breadcrumbs as needed

Four tablespoons of oil


Wash the chicken and mix it with garlic, ginger, salt, pepper, dried fenugreek, vinegar and crushed coriander and keep it for two hours. Heat oil in a frying pan. Put the basin in the chicken and fry it. Put a little oil in the baking tray and put the fried chicken in the oven for a while. Beat the egg. Remove the chicken from the oven, put the egg and put it back in the oven for 2 minutes. Stir in the charcoal and place the prepared chicken pieces in the middle. Put a little oil on top and cover the pot well.  

             Serve with salad and raita.

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