
White Chicken Tikka Recipe

       White Chicken Tikka

White Chicken Tikka recipe in English is respected among the well known dishes. Peruse the total White Chicken Tikka recipe in English with fixing subtleties and strategy. It is a direct equation and all fundamental trimmings are successfully available. Set up the dish according to the White Chicken Tikka recipe in English from top culinary experts and add the genuine character or taste to your food. You can likewise impart this formula to your loved ones.

White Chicken Tikka Recipe at home
White Chicken Tikka Recipe
Chicken Recipes
White Chicken Tikka Recipe at home
White Chicken Tikka Recipe in English

How to make White chicken Tikka


Chicken 4 pieces One kg

Vinegar - 4 tablespoons

Crushed green pepper 2 tablespoons

White pepper A teaspoon

Kachri powder A teaspoon

Ghee  Two tablespoons

Roasted cumin seeds A teaspoon

Onion A number

Almond paste 2 tablespoons

Ginger Garlic 1 tablespoon

Cream 1 packet


Wash and cut the chicken pieces. Now add vinegar, salt, white pepper, crushed green chilies, ginger garlic, kachri powder and melted ghee and leave it for an hour. Heat a quarter cup of oil, add finely chopped onion and my net chicken and put on low heat. Mix almond paste in half a cup of cream, mix in chicken and cook for another five minutes. 

                Serve hot when ready.

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